China Highlights
China is an amazing country in the East that is full of its secrets and mysteries. In the world, perhaps, there is no such place like the famous Chinese Wall, which drew so much attention among scientists and travelers. The process of its construction gave rise to many rumors and superstitions killing hundreds of people who were building it. Another landmark is Loyal Castle and Buddhist temple complex Lhasa, located in Tibet, which is one of the important sights among shrines. Not far from the city of Xian, in the province of Shaanxi stands colossal attraction of China. This wonder is known as the Terracotta Army, and its history dates back more than 2 thousand years.
History and Government
Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to Chinese scientists, it can have started 5000years old, while available written sources cover a period of at least 3,500 years. The presence of administrative systems, which were improved by successive dynasties survived long and the early development of the largest agricultural centers in the basins of the Xuanhe and the Yantzi River, created advantages for the Chinese state.
Geography and surroundings
The Republic of China is located in East Asia. From the east, the PRC is washed by the waters of the western seas of the Pacific Ocean. The area of China is 9.6 million km². China is the largest country in Asia and the third largest country in the world and comes the second after Russia and Canada. The coastal region of China is divided into 4 large sea regions: Bo Hai, Yellow Sea, East Sea and South Sea and is called the region of four seas.
Area and population
China (officially – the Republic of China, abbreviated to the PRC) is a state in East Asia. The largest state in the world in terms of population (over 1.395 billion, the majority of the population are ethnic Chinese, self-name is Han); ranks third in the world in territory, giving way to Russia and Canada. The Chinese Republic, according to the constitution, is a socialist state. It has a great power - a potential superpower, an economic superpower, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
Culture and customs
The traditions and customs of China are closely connected not only with its history but also with those religions that are practiced in the territory of the country. However, for the Chinese, there are many characteristic customs and traditions that are respected by everyone. In particular, this concerns greetings. The welcoming traditions of China are more than 2 thousand years old. In ancient times, the Chinese greeted, bowing, hands clasped on his chest. It was considered: the lower the bow, the more people show respect. Modern Chinese today simply nod their heads, however, if they want to show respect, they can bow.
Food and drinks
In China, in the menu of most cafes and restaurants you can find only Chinese dishes, although many of them will be quite acceptable to the taste of a European. Food prices in China are quite low. The average bill size in an inexpensive cafe is from 6-9 Chinese yuan per person in rural areas in the west of the country to 25-30 yuan in Beijing or Shanghai. A good lunch or dinner for two in a mid-range restaurant will cost about 150 yuan in the Chinese capital, and half the price in small provincial towns.
Festivals and events
When the full moon shines brightly in the night sky, Hong Kong is illuminated with a Mid-Autumn Festival. Thousands of lanterns of various shapes, sizes and colors adorn the streets and public parks. The festival is an ancient Chinese tradition that celebrates rebellion. New Year in Hainan is an attraction primarily for tourists, but the attraction is fun and very bright. The New Year holidays season starts in Hong Kong for Catholic Christmas at the end of December, and ends already in February, with the advent of the Chinese New Year.
Best time to visit
China occupying a great territory is quite suitable for travelling the whole year. This is a country, where you can enjoy the cultural landmarks and historical sights at any time you wish. Considering the impressive size and length of the country, it is not surprising that, depending on the region, climatic conditions differ. The most favorable weather occurs in China in the spring (in April - May) and in the fall (in September - October).
Travel tips for China
Going to China it is useful to make yourself comfortable with manners and customs to make your trip as complete as it is possible in the local process. You might often hear people asking to take a photo with you. Light-skinned people arise special interest and curiosity among Chinese with the desire of making you memorable in their minds. Some consulates of the PRC may also require an insurance policy (original and copy) for the entire stay in the country (coverage amount - at least $ 15,000). The official currency of China is RMB. A very strong impression on the guests of the Chinese capital is made by the Summer Palace of Emperors, located in Yiheyuan Park.